
June 12, 1547
Tonight was the Masquerade ball at the Capulet's house. I believe his daughter Juliet and I should be married at once. I met her tonight for the first time and have fallen madly in love with her. Her father has said that he believes we should marry as well, but not for another two months. In my opinion, two months is too far away and two or three days would seem more appropriate.

June 15, 1547
I am very happy because earlier today I found out that Juliet and I are going to married in two days rather than months. Capulet seems to be really pleased with his decision for me to be Juliet's future husband. I must say I have truly fallen in love with her and I believe she has really fallen in love with me as well. The planning will begin immediately and must be perfected by noon two days from now. I need to also plan what I will be wearing to the special occasion. Somehow everything finally feels like it will work itself out and I can be happy with someone I love that loves me back as well.

June 17, 1547
This morning my wedding day arrived and I could not have been happier. As I was dressing though, my whole world changed as i found out my future wife was found dead. This made me want to die with her. It made me feel as though I should have died with her, as though she should not have had to die alone. Our wedding decorations will be transformed to decorate a funeral for my lovely Juliet. My day will now consist of a funeral ceremony as well as tears and painful hugs from family and friends. Suddenly life seems dull and boring and I would like no more than die and be with my love Juliet.

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